Matt, Meg, Michaela, and Emmett- It was such a joy to spend my Friday afternoon in your home capturing life with your newest little addition.
Matt and Meg have a beautiful home set back on a quiet street surrounded by trees. When I walked in I was greeted with warm smiles and a hug from Meg.
Big sister, Michaela, became quickly comfortable with a new person in her home and a camera in her face. She very proudly showed me her room, and she even told me that I have “pretty hair” which obviously made me want to keep her forever.
Sweet Emmett, was just 15 days old and as cute as can be. He was so alert and did not want to miss out on all the fun. It was so special to watch him lovingly gaze at his parents and respond to their voices.
I am so thankful for the families that welcome me into their homes to capture these snippets of their lives that I hope they will look back on forever. When the Devlins look back on these photos I hope they remember Matt proudly getting Emmett to fall asleep when the rest of us just couldn’t quite do it, Michaela running circles around the house, re-swaddling Emmett 950 times, Meg feeding Michaela M&M’s to sit still, Michaela sharing them with her daddy, and all of the precious moments in between.
Thank you Devlins, and congrats on your newest bundle of love!